

ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2023

Entry 4th June 2023: Post 1: Vidi Chrome - For the Vidi Amiga Frame Grabber.

Vidi Chrome - For the Vidi Amiga Frame Grabber.

I was well pleased to come across this Vidi Chrome software for
the Vidi Amiga. Fortunately for me the package did not include
the disk and so that may have put off bidders. I already have the
software and the manual and so really only wanted the colour art
to the folder.

Vidi Chrome represents an early version for the software which was 
released to support the VidiAmiga frame grabber. The software
basically captures three simultaneous frame grabs and then colours
and mixes them to create the full colour image.

Time was when video capture whether by camera or video player was
the way to go with the Amiga when inputting images to the machine.
And none did this more effectively than the Rombo systems. For my
part I kinda lived for years with the VidiAmiga hooked up to the
A1200 via the SONY HandyCam and video player.

The software eventually became one of the major players for video
grabbing and digitizing, though much of the bedrock of the kit was
the basic image grabbing avoiding the use of the scanners. Used in
tandem with DPaint both art and animation files could be very easily
manipulated and also gave a wealthy ready stock of 'anim-brushes'
for use with other titles.

I sense I may now have all that Rombo created for the Amiga. I am
aware that they also ported to the Atari so there may be one or
two things I don't have for that platform. The software certainly
represents one of the most important applications for the Amiga
in the day. Just a heads up, you do need the kit to get the best 
out of the software.

Vidi Chrome - For the Vidi Amiga Frame Grabber.

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Last updated 4th June 2023

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