ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2023
Entry 20th June 2023: Post 1: Windows 98 - Kasumi Dead or Alive.
Windows 98 - Kasumi Dead or Alive.
Not having much luck with the older PCs at the moment. No sooner
do I lose the XP machine than now my most used Win98 machine falls
over. I simply was about to copy over a ZIP drive from the Amiga
up here only to find an error on boot stating it cannot access the
'C' drive. No amount of hitting with the hammer or throwing the
tin box across the room helped.
So I had a cuppa tea.
I retrieved my Win98 setup disk and the small packet of OS discs
for Kasumi and set too first checking the status of both the 'C'
and 'D' drive. I was able to make repairs and activate the HD discs
though the OS was totally screwed. Rather than struggle with the
'C' drive I chose to reinstall repair the installation and put
it on the 'D' drive.
Please note that images here are a little shaky cus I was doing
this without the aid of a tripod.
If successful then most of the data will be still intact on both
drives. What I hadn't realised at the time was the 'D' drive is
actually my old Win98 'C' drive from my first Win98 machine. The
process of reinstalling the OS used all the original CAB files
stored from the original Win98 OS and then went on to reinitialise
all the software that is on the machine associated with the very
original Win98 machine. How cool was that.
In successfully repairing what was a completely different Win98
machine I was able to use the Norton Utilities from that machine.
The computer name had now changed from Kasumi to Regina and the
computer is now listed as a Pentium 550. So funny.
OK with the system now operational I simply used WinDoctor from the
Norton Utilities suite and this re-established and fixed all the
broken registry entries. This meant that all software on the 'D'
drive was now active. Also I ran DiscDoctor and thoroughly checked
bother drives for problems. The software reported none.
I then edited the neighbourhood network settings to the correct
IP address and the machine was then picked up on the network. Both
my original Win98 machine and this one had the same ZIP drive so
that worked fine. The only issue was a modem card that I had to
reinstall the drivers from the motherboard disc.
It is quite unbelievable how easy it is to install Win98 and how
flexible and adaptable the process is when using original files,
directories, discs and all the software. What is more magical is
the OS does not need any form of validation. I was very specific
when I bought this machine originally that it be installed with
Win98 even though the computer was originally earmarked for XP.
At that time there were all kinds of security issues with XP and
I just didn't want to use it. So pleased I made that decision.
For retro work in conjunction with older kit the Win98 is a perfect
fit being IDE and having the format floppy capability of 720K.
There are no nasty issues with networking and the OS was designed
with the TCP/IP stack set to closed as default unlike XP. The OS
is not memory intensive and just speeds along doing basic file
management and file transfers. This will be the first time this
computer has fallen over.
You recall that the XP machine that fell over the other day did so
because XP needs authenticating. Well it really is 'Coopers Ducks'
for XP on that machine and it will soon be running Win98. Takes
such a short time to install the OS. I do love Win98.
Anyhoo by the end of play I was back to copying my ZIP disk and
she's all up and running as before.
Definitely happy days. And tomorrow I celebrate the 21st as the
longest day of the year and can look forward to less hours of the
dreaded sunlight and the slow but very pleasant extinguishing of
the death star from burning a bloody hole through my kit. The
dark nights are coming.. thank goodness.
Like I say, sorry for the blurred images. But I guess you can get
an idea of what is going on.
Windows 98 - Kasumi Dead or Alive.
The network picks up Kasumi as my
original Win98 machine called Regina
which has the Pentium 550 processor.
When I purchased a larger hard drive
for Regina I moved her old drive to
Kasumi. In repairing the install on
that 'D' drive this machine now thinks
she is Regina. I soon changed that.
All back to normal
So who is Kasumi ? She is one of the
characters from Dead or Alive.
By giving all the computers girls names
it gives me half a chance of remembering
which computer is which on the network.
With twenty plus computers networked it
can get a bit crazy at times.

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Last updated 20th June 2023
Chandraise Kingdom
Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2023