ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2024
Entry 3rd June 2024: Post 1: Amiga 1200 SCSI KIT - Do I feel guilty?
Amiga 1200 SCSI KIT - Do I feel guilty?
I sometimes get a shot of conscience and seriously feel a little
troubled by the kit I have here that just goes to waste. I was
taking stock of my A1200 machines with 2.5" drives and reflecting
on which are at risk of locking up. What I didn't mention about
the Apollo machine yesterday was that the drive was stuck when I
first switched on. I simply lifted it onto its back and the motor
started, but that is a new drive.
I was going through the vast number of A1200 machines I have and
came across the second of my Magic Packs or Amiga 1200 No 27. It
is unusual for a 1200 of mine not to have a name, but this one
does not. I do make the mistake of always citing the Analogic
Magic Pack as the machine I set up as a replacement should my
beloved Chantal fall over, but it is not. It was this machine I
set up as the replacement cus it has the Blizzard SCSI KIT and
rear port.
What was even more troubling was the realisation that she was last
powered up on 16th July 2018, almost six years ago. Inside is a
note from the previous owner wishing me well and thanking me for
looking after her. That was like twenty years ago.
So why the sudden shot of conscience. I guess it is more about
my own fragility. I never considered life expectancy as a factor
when acquiring my collection, but as time moves on it certainly
must become a factor. And so here I am sitting on a computer that
I bought as a back up for my most treasured A1200, and yet that
first computer that has been with me since 1993 shows no signs of
giving up. And yet she has weathered better than I. It is likely
I will go to the grave never having needed any backup and she will
outlive me.
It would be sad to part with anything I have as I am a materialistic
person with very very strong attachment to anything I acquire. But
leaving the computer to slowly decay in its box never having given
pleasure to anyone does seem a little cruel. Even for me.
I guess I do have to reflect on matters before it is too late maybe
to find good homes for my kit, but I do sense that over the coming
years I may just reluctantly part with a few items. Not because I
see my own demise looming ahead, but more the realisation that this
kit is never going to be used whilst I am alive.
For now Amiga 1200 27 sits in it box without a name and unloved,
not only with a Blizzard 1230IV accelerator but also an SCSI KIT.
I was watching a video on YouTube last night about the Blizzard
040, the model one notch higher, and the guy made the comment on
just how rare the SCSI KIT is. And I have one sitting doing zip.
Just a thought.
Amiga 1200 SCSI KIT - Do I feel guilty?
Amiga 1200 27
Hasn't got a name.. how odd. This is
the first of my two Amiga Magic Packs.
Has a 1230IV Blizzard Turbo with the
SCSI KIT and rear SCSI port. Runs on
40.68 with 39.29 1985-1993. WB 3.1.
Amiga Technologies GmBH. 2.1 GB hard drive.
Has a green light inside the floppy bay.

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Last updated 3rd June 2024
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