

ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2024

Entry 15th June 2024: Post 1: Degrading 2.04 - On the Plus side.

Degrading 2.04 - On the Plus side.

Been having some fun today mucking around with some degraders that
I found in the Checkmate disk box collection. These were a bunch
of disks that were originally other software and only distinguishable
by the smallest of writing saying 'Degrader'. The one was a Crazy
Cars game - Titus Fox.

Remembering that these disks relate to the release 2.0 era of the
Amiga Workbench at a time of the release of ECS machines.

The first degrader was by a guy called Doody and contained no ROM
image or recognisable interface. There were a good number of 1.3
files on the disk but this along with the others did not work on
the A1200.

The second disk was actually labelled ReLokick1.3 but failed cus
it was looking for KS_1.3_Plus. The third disk was the software
called KS_1.3_Plus and although a very healthy disk just stalled
on the 1200. Obviously wants a 2.04 ROM. There is writing on the
disk that states 2.0/1.3 Degrader.

What is fascinating about the disk is that it not only has a very
substantial amount of the 1.3 Workbench but also a copy of the 1.3

Both disks failed when I tried to copy them with a Checksum on the
ROM file. I discovered the ROM file to be the wrong size and so
corrected this.

On the emulator it just refused to boot. However I did discover an
online copy at Turran and that cycled through the boot process but
was working. The Turran version is a genuine Sinsoft 1992 version
whilst the copies I have are hacked versions by Ghostrider of
Slipstream dated Dec 1992.

I also found the 2.04 GrabKick software with a copy of the 2.04 ROM.

It is interesting how the degrading issue obviously became a problem
for the ECS machines and software like this was starting to flow into
the system. The Checkmate actually has the ROM Switcher on it and
has both the 2.04 and 1.3 ROMS.

Whilst undertaking the disk copying process for the Repository I
had to nab copy of ADFBlitzer cus I have swapped 1200s in here. I
was truly amazed that ADFBlitzer was only 37460K in size. When you
think what this nifty software does that is so clever.

Currently filling in some of the missing files from the various
setups and I just happened to trip across stuff in the boxes I go
through. The Amiga community was incredibly industrious in their
efforts to feed their user base.

PS: Before you ask the language is Bosnian.

Degrading 2.04 - On the Plus side.

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Last updated 15th June 2024

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