ScuzzBlog: Diaries June 2024
Entry 24th June 2024: Post 1: Amiga Workbench - 3.0/3.1 Search.
Amiga Workbench - 3.0/3.1 Search.
Just a quickie tonight showing the magic of the 'Search' facility.
I'm sure at some point mucking around with the Workbench you have
accidentally dropped a whole load of files into an open drawer and
then forgotten which one it was. Simple solution is to check that
in your 'C' directory you have the 'search' tool and all your
problems are solved.
Simply fire up the SHELL/CLI and type in ...
search [directory/volume]; all file and the name of a file you want
to track down, in the example I used Heddley, and like magic it will
scan the volume and tell you where it is.
I hid a text file in a drawer inside the Heddley drawer and the Amiga
found 'Clara is hiding' in double time. Use quotation marks if there
are spaces in the file title.
This came with OS3.1 but I ran it also on Workbench 3.0.
Whilst preparing the blog I came across a link from the very lovely
Cammi for Grunch a useful tool that advises of what dependant files
are missing from your system to support known applications.
Have fun.
Amiga Workbench - 3.0/3.1 Search.
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Last updated 24th June 2024
Chandraise Kingdom
Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2024