ScuzzBlog: Diaries 2018
March 12: Entry 1816: scuzzblog: Post: 2
1541 - Out of the box finally
I had planned a whole days mucking about on this 1541. The drive
is in pristine condition and I had always viewed this as most
likely one of the best I have. How wrong could I be. Maybe cus of
the years of storage, dunno, but although the unit boots up fine
and gives out all the right light sequences, it refused point
blank to read any disk. Try as I might the machine ticks along at
a very quiet pace and really shouldn't be having the issue.
I cleaned the heads and tried several times but gave up in the
end. I don't think its too serious an issue and most likely is
a drive head that needs a real good clean. Project for the future.
And so the 1541 was placed back in its box and another candidate
dragged from its slumber. Never mind... that's retro.