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ScuzzBlog: Diaries 2018

March 16: Entry 1826: scuzzblog: Post: 1

A1000 with the A1060 Sidecar Working - Part 1
Finally got round to fully photographing both the Amiga 1000
and the Amiga 1060 sidecar working.

Here goes

First I hunted down the adf of my
sidecar 1.2 Workbench disk.

I decrunched the adf file using
ADFBlitzer on the Amiga 4000.

I now had a fresh disk to use.

Complete with all the PC files needed.
This is the Workbench 1.2 disk that has
been modified to remove some of the
Amiga files to make room for the files
needed to drive the Amiga 1060.

This is what I call my A1060 Disk Pack.
Which has all that I need anyway, but
thought I would show how I created
the disk back-up from the archive
on the Amiga 4000.

Enter my trusty A1000 that I generally
have working in the main Amiga store.
She is a little treasure and been with
me for such a long time now. I obtained
the computer from a large house in
Wimbledon and from the sunny window where
she sat she was in throwing distance of
Wimbledon Tennis Club. The yellow of the
case always reminds me of the sunny spot
this computer did reside... History.

The UK version of the computer.

And works without fault .. Always.

Yellow from the bright sunny days
watching the tennis no doubt.

Power supply is so quiet.

Let's have a look inside so that
you can see just how basic a machine
she is. No smoke and mirrors for the
display of the A1060.. Just an A1000.

That pesky side clip.

No idea why the shielding
has so many screws.

Second of the rear clips.

Keyboard is now connected.

And that switch needs to be left on
if you use the pass through cable
from the A1060. It is very very
important that you never ever plug
the Amiga 1000 on AFTER you have
switched on the A1060. Always have the
Amiga 1000 switched on BEFORE you switch
the A1060 on. So leave the switch on.. THUS

Enter the Amiga 1060 Sidecar.


A1000 with the A1060 Sidecar Working - Part 2

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Last updated 16/03/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018