ScuzzBlog: Diaries March 2020
Entry 31st March 2020: Post 02: Mitsubishi MSX Computer ML-F80.
Mitsubishi MSX Computer ML-F80.
Thought I would end this month , the way I started and with the
very wonderful ML-F80, this time though with a fresh set of pics.
This computer popped out from behind an Acorn 3000 as I tidied
one of my desks. The desk is home to the CPC featured today plus
a VIC-20 and Acorn 7000. The Mitsubishi looked a little more
banged up than normal so I decided to go compare notes from 2017.
Been thro the wars this little MSX machine. The original owner
modified the power to use an external switch which also powered
a Gordon Harwood cassette deck. The wire is so long and thick.
The computer itself has taken some heavy use over its time. The
face paintwork, particularly to the left is worn, though I suspect
it has been stored with the cable leaning against and suffered
abrasive bashing say from being under a table.
Like the CPC464 I do wish I had stumbled across the MSX machines
in the eighties, cus I would have purchased one in a heart beat.
From the getgo having switced on, the computer responds and also
features some quick commands from the function keys. The image
on the black and white is crystal clear.
Looks like the paintwork is very much the same as it was so no
worries there. I have no issue with scratched and abraded machines.
It gives them an endearing quality, a unique appearance. Given
that it is not my intention to ever sell anything, the computers
what ever their condition are only there to satisfy my interest.
This computer is a battle hardened machine and tough as old boots.
I just don't want to damage her any further. Great computer and
much loved.
Mitsubishi MSX Computer ML-F80.
Should say ML-F80... Seriously what am I like ?
I also got the date wrong .... So funny !!