

ScuzzBlog: Diaries March 2022

Entry 22nd March 2022: Post 2: Patrick Nagel - Her name was Rio and not Roberta.

Patrick Nagel - Her name was Rio and not Roberta.

Walk around any art studio and college in the early eighties
and you were bound to come across a poster of Patrick Nagel's
work. Featured on the Duran Duran album cover of Rio his women
were very distinct in style and rendition. I for one purchased
The Art of Patrick Nagel the minute it hit the college book

There was no mistaking Patrick's work and his art featured in
so many publications of the day. Having trudged my way through
the punk period I was so ready to embrace the new romantic
period of Duran Duran. I recall going to Barbarellas in Brum
and simply tying my tie round my forehead to generate the
desired appearance.

Happy days.

So Roberta Smith isn't one of Patrick Nagel's beauties... or
maybe she was.

Not a fan of Her Name is Rio so here is the very wonderful .. W I L D B O Y S In the same theme here is .. The Police - Synchronicity II It was Mad Max' fault. I am so sorry about the YouTube adverts. Never mind.

Patrick Nagel - Her name was Rio and not Roberta.

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Last updated 22nd March 2022

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