

ScuzzBlog: Diaries March 2022

Entry 30th March 2022: Post 1: Apple - Food without taste.

Apple - Food without taste.

I recall these adverts appearing in Amiga magazines in the day.
Just hardened my view of just how tasteless this bunch were. I
posted as much on a popular forum when the advert was featured.

Food without taste. Just makes me reflect on how sad it was that
so many dedicated users of the Amiga had to struggle to keep their
computers alive. And even at this late stage in 1997, which was
three years and not a couple... there were those committed to
supporting the platform and flying the flag. Just as they are
today. Personally I never gave this Apple bunch a moments thought.
I would rather wallow in the depths of MS drudge than partake of
the white pebble on the glass table. Talk about closed off thinking.
Like I say food without taste, and the add just showed me again
how bad a taste that left in my mouth. Not impressed.
[end quote]

What is it about Apple users that insist on telling you just
how brilliant their kit is, even when you didn't ask them.

Just a short blog today. The subject wasn't worth taxing.

Apple - Food without taste.

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Last updated 30th March 2022

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