ScuzzBlog: Diaries March 2023
Entry 8th March 2023: Post 1: AEGIS Animator for the Amiga - 1986.
AEGIS Animator for the Amiga - 1986.
Following on with my animation feature this month I show today
AEGIS Animator for the Amiga. This isn't a polished package by
any means but for one DD disk it really is a fun thing to play
about with.
The software has tremendous historical value in terms of where
it sits in the Amiga timeline. So if you do like collecting old
classics then go hunt it down.
The animator is more of a storyboard viewer using frames that are
ordered in tweens which are animation time frames that you can
create and then flick between all your tweens. The idea is that
you create images and then animate them in sequence. There is a
fast menu that is very helpful and even a storyboard to organise
your animations. It is surprisingly simple to use and can use IFF
images created in DPaint.
One feature that is interesting is the panic facility that lets
you quickly save when you are running out of memory.
I include the CUAmiga magazine article that features the disk.
The tutorial explains sufficient for you to get going.
Aegis Animator (tm) v1.20 - the magic tweener program, was created
for Aegis Development Inc in 1984, 1985 and 1986 by Jim Kent at
Island Graphics in Sausilito, California.
AEGIS Animator for the Amiga - 1986.
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Last updated 8th March 2023
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