ScuzzBlog: Diaries March 2023
Entry 9th March 2023: Post 1: Amiga World - Video and Animation.
Amiga World - Video and Animation.
Continuing on the animation theme if you are keen to learn a
little about what was what in the day, then look no further than
Amiga World April 1st 1990. This is a such a thorough examination
of the topic and brings to its pages a review of all the various
products from the day for the Amiga.
Amiga World is head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to
serious comment on the Amiga. It mostly focusses on the serious
user and so tends to make comparison with the major products of
the day. So less games and more serious software.
The magazine discusses setting up your Amiga studio and then goes
on to feature a lengthy A to Z of what's what in animation.
I am sure you can download the magazine somewhere on the web. All
else fails just keep a search open on Ebay till one comes a long.
For keen Animation nerds it really is worth having on your shelf.
Also looks great just lying by the side of your Amiga.
Amiga World - Video and Animation.
If you can only see this CONTENT window
then click the image above for the full site
Last updated 9th March 2023
Chandraise Kingdom
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