ScuzzBlog: Diaries March 2024
Entry 8th March 2024: Post 1: Mouse antics - MousePen and ergo-mouse.
Mouse antics - MousePen and ergo-mouse.
If I were asked what one thing do I miss most from the retro years
of computers, I would have to say gadgets, gizmos and magical
accessories. Magazines in the day were just filled with the most
wonderful of add-ons for computers. The computer gave designers
and inventors the opportunity to go wild with every type of gadget
Often when I am sifting through items from the collection I come
across some of these imaginative items designed to enhance the
usage of the computer. I show just two items today that surfaced
during my activities with the older PCs today.
First the Opto-Mechanical MousePen for PC by Logic 3 which was
created as a drawing aid for CAD and graphics work. The MousePen
was suitable for use with an IBM PC or compatible running DOS 2.0
and 256K memory.
The second has no name but is a mouse model M211B-R. I swear in
dim lighting you could have sex with this thing.
Mouse antics - MousePen and ergo-mouse.
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Last updated 8th March 2024
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