

ScuzzBlog: Diaries March 2025

Entry 03rd March 2025: Post 1: Amstrad games box sets - Ref Amiga 500 box room.

Amstrad games box sets - Ref Amiga 500 box room.

I am so often wanting to use reference images of my Amiga set-ups
and the one in the box room/disk room is the one that I know  I
have imaged in the past but blow me can I find a pic. Today I was
cleaning up around the CPC 464 and came across this pile of box
set games and amongst them was Heroes of the Lance. I recalled
instantly taking pics of this game using the A500 in the box room
and sure enough it was the set of pics of the computer that I have
wanted to refer to in the past.

The A500 sits in a special metal support cradle that holds the
monitor. It is one of two that I have and is very useful.

Anyhoo I have tracked down the Heroes of the Lance article and
have added an additional note to the listing so I can find the
pictures in the future. I may just compile a picture set of all
my Amigas that are out on the benches so I have them in one set
of pictures. Maybe tomorrow.

Heroes of the Lance is an Advanced Dungeons and Dragons game which
ported to the Amiga that was featured on the Amstrad CPC 464.

Interestingly in these boxes there is often other cassettes for
games. The Amstrad is pretty stable when it comes to tapes given
that the computers were fitted with cassette players built in.

Amstrad games box sets - Ref Amiga 500 box room.

~ Previously on scuzzblog ~

Previously on scuzzblog: Heroes of the Lance ADD-CPC464-A500.

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Last updated 03rd March 2025 2025

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