

ScuzzBlog: Diaries March 2025

Entry 07th March 2025: Post 1: Epson HX-20 - My replacement finally arrived.

Epson HX-20 - My replacement finally arrived.

Not only a replacement but also the first computer addition to the
collection for a couple of years. Was a sad day June 2019 when I
discovered the battery damage to my HX-20, and trust me I have
been looking for a replacement from that day. The computer does
attract silly prices. Also the condition was important as I only
in truth needed the case. I was so pleased to find a good machine
at a reasonable price. And here she is. I just now have to remove
the battery.

The HX-20 is an amazing bit of kit for 1982. It is credited as
being the first notebook computer. It not only has its own display
but a tape backup and printer.

CPU is Hitachi 6301 x 2 CPU's at 614 kHz
Memory is 16KB RAM and is expandable up to 32KB
32KB ROM and expandable to 64KB
Display  is just 4 lines x 20 characters and is LCD
Graphics gives 120 × 32-pixels
Input is via full-transit keyboard
Power provided by rechargeable nickel-cadmium batteries
Dimensions generally A4 Size
Weight is 1.6KG.

When you collect computers you can be forgiven for losing a machine
to fair wear and tear but to have one be destroyed by your very own
stupidity is something very difficult to reconcile. I should have
known there was a battery and I just failed to act. Thankfully I
have a second chance at saving one of these little beauties , let's
hope I can be more successful this time. 

Epson HX-20 - My replacement finally arrived.

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Last updated 07th March 2025 2025

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