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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2018

Entry 14th May 2018: Post: 1

Amiga 600 - Confide in me: Part 1
Tripping out on the Amiga 600 and fresh from mucking around all
day yesterday with the one machine with the hard drive I decided
to flick on another three. This time one is fitted with one of
those newfangled CF cards.... its not a proper hard drive so
don't tell the poor 600.

I also dug out a few boxes of the A600s to show the contents for
reference purposes.... So here we go for a giddy ride over three
blogs no less....

One of my little challenges that I set myself was to try and
dig out the full collection of games featured in the Silica advert
for the day for the CHAOS pack for the Amiga 600. And in doing so
I then set about testing the games on the various machines.

This was a long day.... and by the way the title of the blog will
only make sense at the very end. Say na more... !!

The Amiga 600

Amiga number two with the hard drive
fitted and it is an actual Amiga A600HD

OK Amiga number three with the hard drive
and this computer is a little gem. Hooked
up and switched on every single day. This
truly is a wonderful Amiga.

And finally the Amiga 600 with the CF card
The less said the better... Not a proper HD sadly

The A600 is surprisingly heavy

Even with a bogus hard drive

This is your standard blue/red box

The earlier boxes were slightly bigger
and the tabs and cardboard inners were
also bigger. I sense the later boxes
were reduced to cut costs maybe

This is a later box with the promotional
offers though no artwork as such...

Point to note. This box was stuck all round
with sticky parcel tape. There was no protection
and the box posted as you see it. Trick with sticky
tape is to use a hair dryer and heat the tape
up and it literally will unstick itself.

Workbench disks for an A600 without the HD

Workbench disks for the Amiga A600HD
Note the extra HD Install and SCSI disk

Black disks often suggest made in Germany

Boxed A600HD

List of contents within the box

The very colourful box artwork

I'm convinced that the A600 reproduces
when I am not looking. ...

I find them all over the place

Next up I decided to track down all
the games featured on this promotional
advert for the CHAOS pack that was
featured with the Amiga 600

OK I now have my games.. Time to fire up the A600's

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Last updated 14/05/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018