The Amiga 600
My second of my Amiga 600s fitted with a hard drive
and the creator of this Workbench was definitely
using the A600 with a video player
My third Amiga 600 with the hard drive
and she is a real gem. Much loved and
used most frequently
Has quite a bit of old Amiga 500 software
The very early Sound Tracker and Noise
Tracker ST folders. All customised to
work with the various tunes
Storage of the older Workbenches for reference
Very busy CVinK vault on this disk
OK and now that A600 with the dreaded CF Card
What ever is on this card I have no idea
So I don't bother
Answers on a postcard
Sadly DOpus stopped working... It's a mess
The calculator works
And I was able to put SysInfo on the card
Just doesn't feel right, what without
the noise of the hard drive and such