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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2018

Entry 17th May 2018: Post: 1

Amiga 4000d 040 - A bit of all white

Not all Amigas go yellow. For the most part they tend to keep 
their bright white status for a good while. Some fair better than
others. The 600s are pretty good at keeping their whiteness. Really
never bothers me in truth. I would never 'brighten' the cases or
the keys. The computer is what the computer is. And no amount of
shielding from the light seems to make the blind bit of difference.
I do keep them all under dustcovers generally as a precaution
from , well er... dust, and tea and biscuit crumbs. As you do.

So here is a tiny selection of whites, mostly the A4000d 040.


The white Amiga

A4000 keyboards tend to go yellow

Well nearly all. This is a weird keyboard
cus it is for the CDTV but has a silk sheen
across the keys and keyboard.

You may think that this is a 4000d keyboard
set into a CDTV case. But you would be wrong

This has ivory white keys

The CDTV keyboard P/No 03 has one more
pin than the CDTV and fits the A4000

Whereas P/No 02 has one pin missing
and won't connect to the A4000d. Trust
me I tried that once and broke a connector

And is designed for the CDTV.

Both are black keyboards for the CDTV .. How odd

Interesting name

Keyboard connector with full set of pins

My 15GB+ hard drive and nearly full

A brown Buster 11 slot.. How strange

And the 040 card.. Quite zippy

This 040 is used a lot.. A real lot
Thankfully she's a perfect specimen

'Pretty fly for a white guy'.. Aha Aha

Hey.. less of the guy

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Last updated 17/05/2018

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scuzzscink 2018