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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2018

Entry 22nd May 2018: Post: 2

Hand-helds - How many have you carried

The Tetris deal with Nintendo was quite interesting, not simply
because of the complex nature of the negotiations with the USSR
but that when they launched the Game Boy the preference was for
a kids style of game. However BPS convinced Nintendo that by
shipping Tetris the hand-held could appeal to all the family

Which is what happened.

Anyway from the smallest to some of the larger, a collection
of hand-held jobby whatsits that in truth I really care not for,
but only cus I find them very annoying to use. 

The PocketStation

Game Boy Advance

Game Boy Advance SP

Game Boy

Game Boy Color

NeoGeo Pocket

Which leads very nicely into the
next blog for the NEO GEO

That was an easy section given that
the hand-helds all came from the same
tub... Which was nice for a change.

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Last updated 22/05/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018