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ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2019

Entry 14th May 2019: Post 01: Cub without the CAT - BBC Master System

Cub without the CAT - BBC Master System

Beginning of 2017 I was playing around with the BBC Master System
and the Microvitec Cub monitor started to smoke badly. Filthy habit.
I decided to move the whole set-up including the double floppy
drives to a new location to check what was wrong. I was never able
to replicate the problem and she has worked without fault ever
since. I did spend some time replacing the battery inside the
machine, but that was about all.

Sadly earlier this year the screen display started to get brighter
and brighter to the point it has now made the lettering vanish. I
have a few black lines at the top of the screen but that is all.
From my research on the problem I can see that this is a job for
a skilled engineer and so I have had to mothball the CUB.

First though I needed to check that the BBC Master System was still
working. So I hooked up the computer to a Samsung flat screen and
low and behold she was just fine. Fortunately I had purchased a
SCART connector for the BBC B and that worked perfectly. These flat
screen monitors with the SCART are becoming quite rare. The array
of connections on the back make it possible to connect to anything.

With the BBC Master there is the need to use the '*' symbol to enter
into the control commands. The machine is always in BASIC mode and so
to undertake system wide commands you simply add the '*' symbol. And
so to that cryptic title if you want to see the contents of the
floppy drive then enter * CAT followed by the drive number 0 or 1.

And so sadly this Cub could see no CAT but the Samsung very kindly
stepped up to the mark. The double 5.25" disk drive unit was working
just fine also and so I can put the computer to bed for a while.
Maybe in time I can find someone to have a look at the monitor.

BBC Master System

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Last updated 14th May 2019

Chandraise Kingdom

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scuzzscink 2019