

ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2020

Entry 1st May 2020: Post 02: Amiga Game - UFO Enemy Unknown.

Amiga Game - UFO Enemy Unknown.

Yesterday I found the crushed games box for Microprose's UFO. So
today I set too salvaging the manual and disks and putting the
box straight. Sadly the top cover to the black box is missing.

In amongst the disks I have I found a Disk 5, which is odd cus
the game is only four disks. Turns out that in one release they
gave you a BOOT disk as disk 1. With the original version you
have to create your own BOOT disk.

Having spent a good while copying this game to hard drive I
could not get it to work. It may be something to do with the
way that BOOT disk reserves memory as that is what it was first
created to do , to free up RAM for the game. The computer I am
using has a GVP which does a clever thing with memory on boot
and it is not unusual for some games to struggle.

I was able to play the game from floppy so the disks do work.

I have another copy of the game complete with all box contents
so I wasn't too unhappy about the box cover being missing, As
for the game, well it's from the house that gave you Civilization
so you are not going to learn to play in an hour.

I'll have a go another day maybe... or not. Probably not. My
copy of Hitman Absolution came for the XBOX 360 today and I did
manage to complete the whole game before I finished up tonight.
Hence the late post. I believe my replacement PS3 is with the
parcel company. So I'm good.

Tomorrow is another day and it's 2.30 in the morning now.

Amiga Game - UFO Enemy Unknown.

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Last updated 1st May 2020

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