

ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2020

Entry 23rd May 2020: Post 2: Amiga Virus - For real.

Amiga Virus - For real.
OK before I start this blog I just wanna say that it was my fault.
I got what I deserved and I have no bad feelings towards the very
wonderful BGS or what ever they are called. I am truly sorry.

I am not taken to downloading games off the internet, but having
created a blog featuring a C64 tape that I own I decided to cross
check the Amiga version which I do not own. So I downloaded the
game. Bad move.

So what happens when you get the BGS 9 virus.

First the disk that you are using goes crazy bonkers for a moment
and locks up. This causes you to CTRL-Right/Left Amiga. Bad move.
This installs a script plus an empty string file in DEVS. And
then the A590 that I was using became useless. It would not boot
from the A590. All I kept getting was the lovely splash screen
from the nice virus people telling me that I had broken the law.
Consequently they trashed my hard drive.

DAMAGE TRIGGER - permanent damage: reset (CONTROL + LEFT-AMIGA +
RIGHT-AMIGA) transient damage: 4 resets (have to be run until
initial CLI window appears )

So what did I do .... **cking laugh. Seriously, I split my sides.
It has taken like thirty years to get an Amiga virus. And now it
has happened. I can tick that off my list of things to do before
I pop my clogs. Magic.

Next up I write protected every disk in the house.. all 14000 of
them. I self isolated the collection. Ordered a restraining order
preventing visits from any other person. And have ordered a years
worth of food while I sit this out....

Too much ? Sorry for that. OK really what did I do. Well I made
sure I isolated the six disks that I had been using and with the
A590 disconnected and a clean write protected 2.04 I formatted
all the floppies. I then used a clean write protected install
disk and formatted the hard drive... Seriously. Only safe thing
to do. I then formatted the floppies again and used 2.04 as 1.3
is crap to copy over some essential files.

I then went through the virus initialisation procedure and tried
to replicate the problem with my formatted disks and formatted
drive. I switched off and counted thirty elephants and switched
back on. Inserted disks, booted off disks. CTRL  Left and Rght A
till the cows came home. And nothing. I declared I was clean.

Then I took a clean disk.. just one DD and hot footed to my A4000
and simply copied the 2.3MB contents of the back up drive to the
floppy [ three visits ] and reinstated the Workbench to exactly
its original self. That is why we have back ups... m'kay.

She is fine. As for 'Bundesgrenzschutz Sektion 9 Sonderkommando'
well you may be getting a visit from Bruce Willis if he can get
out of quarantine. [ say na' more ] JOKING.

Amiga Virus - For real.

Your new boot welcome screen.

Rogue file in Devs.

An empty string that cannot be deleted.

You can delete if you boot from floppy
but sadly it comes back again.

So I formatted everything plus the HD.

Used 2.04 and an A500Plus to simply
copy over the 1.3 contents to the
Amiga 590 sidecar hard drive.

Then I copied everything from my back-up.

All back the way she was.

And this is how she use to look.

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Last updated 23rd May 2020

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2020