

ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2021

Entry 9th May 2021: Post 1: Amiga DMS Sensible Golf Iconian and PPaint.

Amiga DMS Sensible Golf Iconian and PPaint.

OK I'm back in the Amiga saddle. Been a busy month what with having
to service twenty or so tin box PC machines and get the network
cables all sorted so it is a little less spaghetti like everywhere.
More on this later.

The other day I was quite taken aback by a comment from a guy that
he didn't know what DMS was. I decided to pull a few of my disks
and show the marvel of DMS.

Time was when making a copy of a disk so that you could create a
perfect replica from a single file involved the magical DMS. This
little tool resides in the C drawer and is called upon from the CLI.
There are a number of GUI options which I will investigate today
however just typing in is real easy. It is worth noting that with
the 'UP' arrow in the SHELL you can call up the previous command line
so you can quickly edit for multiple sessions.

In typical scuzz fashion I kinda got sidetracked when I went on the
search for magazines and disks and found myself playing the very
dreadful Sensible Golf. I also dabbled with one or two other of the
featured cover disk games.

To top matters off today I wanted to check over my repaired PC and
its gleaming white floppy drive that I installed. This gave me the
opportunity to install Iconian and PPaint to Batista, one of my
A1200s so I could play with the lovely Clara Veiga. ' As you do '.
So expect a bit of icon editing as part of this feature.

Anyhoo... three blogs today with a discussion about DMS and then
a short feature on de-crunching a DMS file, copying the images in
JPG format to PPaint and then utilising them in ILBM format in
the very splendid Iconian so I could create a new Clara icon for
my tools disk.

Onward .... ' What year is this ? You know I never check the date
on that bloody Tardis when I arrive back from my retro adventures.'

Amiga DMS Sensible Golf Iconian and PPaint.

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Last updated 9th May 2021

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2021