ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2021Entry 9th May 2021: Post 2: Amiga DMS - Device Masher System.Amiga DMS - Device Masher System. So why use DMS ? Simple really. It creates a disk image that actually reflects the size of the files. Unlike ADF the file size can vary and so makes it very economic in terms of file size. Do not confuse DMS with LHA given that the LHA system is a file archive and not a disk archive. One creates a disk image and the other [ LHA ] simply archives a series of files. DMS is very popular on post 1994 Amiga magazines and there are any number of GUI applications that can be found on cover disks and Aminet. There are also plenty of Amiga disk archives in DMS format. Many of the PD libraries used the DMS system. The tool for DMS is located in the 'C' drawer and when you have a copy of the tool you simply place it there. To call up a DMS and to create a file/image of a disk. Simply place the disk in DF0 and then open the shell and think of a file name and type... DMS read RAM:T/file_name.dms This then will create a DMS file in RAM:T called file_name.dms of what ever is in your floppy drive. To write a disk from a DMS file just place the DMS in RAM:T and type DMS write RAM:T/file_name.dms You should get in the habit of copying and using files in RAM to avoid over-writing important data files on your drive. Just copy any subsequent DMS files to a desired location. What I did today involved a little more than just creating a DMS archive. I have had an issue with an XP Evesham black box that fell over. I spent quite a few days rebuilding the machine and system. I discovered in doing so the floppy to be broken. I replaced the floppy and re-networked the machine. It has USB to the front. Next up I copied and edited images for the Amiga using Photoshop on this Win7 machine and then transferred to USB. I then used the USB on the XP machine and copied files to a HD floppy disk on the PC using the new drive that I had fitted. Next I transferred the disk to a HD XL drive on an Amiga Technologies A1200 and then put the desired files on an Amiga disk. It was this disk that I today tested for the DMS file creation and wrote back to a fresh disk using the couple of software applications from cover disks. Suffice to say Clara Veiga was involved and I prepared files to use in my next blog using Iconian. When I spend a day on the Amiga I tend to stack up projects and what with the gaming interludes the day just melts away. Always does. That is why I avoid the Amiga at all cost. It really is a complete waste of my time... OR NOT. Probably not. So that is DMS. Easy really and very useful I have to say. It has lost favour cus the emulator uses ADF, as does the GOTEK thing. Me I prefer DMS. It saves drive space on the Amiga. It also gives a status read out and a bootblock dump. Sadly ADF will replicate file issues and checksums. Pretty lifeless application. If you have the document file in C it also gives you a handy tool for different archive functions and the command lines. Amiga DMS - Device Masher System.Clara Veiga wishing scuzz a happy birthday. |
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Last updated 9th May 2021
Chandraise Kingdom
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scuzzscink 2021