

ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2021

Entry 20th May 2021: Post 2: Amiga Format - It's early days.

Amiga Format - It's early days.

To put that May day 1993 period into perspective, for me I was not
using an Amiga in the late spring of 1993. I was heavily invested
in my own business and trying to use the computer as an earning
tool. For this reason I had been using the Amstrad PCW9512 as a
dedicated word processor along with the 1512 during that period.

However, I was spending a lot of time video editing and creating
animations in my spare time. During that summer I visited Jessops
regularly, my local camera shop, and was tempted by the Amiga 600.
The Amiga was being used almost exclusivity with video titling and
was hooked up to various video recording devices. I had invested
£1000 into a SONY camera and was using that as a video editing
tool for animation as it was capable of recording single frame
shots and lacing them together into animations.

During that summer of 1993 I purchased my first copy of Format and
I don't think I put the magazine down from that point on till I
got the Amiga. I recall buying the mag cus of the animation article
plus the section on the sound tracker. I was also fascinated with
the Ishar game which looked very tempting.

Saying all that I had been persuaded to buy a PC and had earmarked
£2000 on a tin box of the period. Work however was frantic and I
was given little spare time to go check out the kit and so my
evenings were spent drooling over the Amiga in the AF magazine.

By November I just had to make a decision and I visited Lansdowne
Computers in Bournemouth with a view to purchasing a PC. What I
hadn't reckoned with was the Pandora's box that was about to open
before my very eyes. The moment I entered the store I was greeted
by a literal cacophony of Amiga goodies that hypnotised and
saturated my senses. By the time I spoke to Ivan the shop steward
I was signing a fat cheque for a Desktop Dynamite pack and the
rest is history. Suffice to say I was hooked for life.

If you have never been bitten and infected by the Amiga then run,
run fast and run far. Close this page and avoid the Amiga. Only
the Amiga has the power to consume you and transfix you with her
magic. I know I am addicted and I forfeited my computer life to
the Amiga. The PC is but a tin box, but the Amiga, she is true
guardian of my Amiga passion. For those that know me you will
understand the love affair I have with this computer. I was very
aware of the ritualistic naming of Amigas to reflect girlfriend.
Whilst the Amiga is not a true girlfriend, she is and always will
be a very good friend. My Amiga ' girfriend ' is known as Clara
and has a passion that can devour me at the simple flick of her
ivory PSU. Nothing else holds that much power over me.

Happy days. Always happy days.

Amiga Format - It's early days.

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Last updated 20th May 2021

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