

ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2021

Entry 21st May 2021: Post 1: Star Trek - Let that be your last battlefield.

Star Trek - Let that be your last battlefield.

So I am watching the episode 'Let that be your last battlefield'
from the Star Trek vault and reflecting on the very splendid PD
Amiga disk created around the self destruct scene. In the scene
Captain Kirk initiates the self destruct timer which will blow
up the Enterprise if the alien played by Frank Gorshin does not
relinquish control of the ship. In the Series 4 Episode 21 of
Big Bang Theory Sheldon uses the same technique to blackmail
Leonard into signing a new room mate agreement. Frank Gorshin is
better known for his role as The Riddler in the original series
of Batman.

I decided to go on a quest for the disk which featured on a page
I created replicating 17Bit Software PD advert in CUAmiga. I
transferred all the files over to the Amiga and had a good session
going through the content. The Amiga was well blessed with Star
Trek content and even had a PD magazine called The Final Frontier.
In it there were editorials on conventions and other Star Trek
related activities. It included pictures, sounds  and extracts
from scripts and reviews. Most Trekkie.

The disk I uncovered has Spock engaging with an unknown super
computer that he viewed as a massive threat. To combat this Kirk
activates the self destruct sequence. The computer in question
turns out to be an Amiga CD32. So funny.

I have plenty of Star Trek disks including the very wonderful game
by Tobias Richter. He also has a series of PD disks with Star Trek
animations. I played the game again for a while. The only real game
of any size for the Amiga was the 25th Anniversary game, which
though very large in disk space is quite a short game. Fun though.

I have featured before my Star Trek card collection. You can not
really call yourself a Star Trek nerd without the card swaps and
convention T shirt. I don't have the latter.

There you have it ' Let that be your last battlefield'. Quite a
sad ending to the episode as they discover their planet has been
destroyed. A fate that will eventually befall Spock.... er sorry
.. massive spoiler.

Have fun. [ Rock, paper, scissors, lizzard, Spock ] As you do.

Star Trek - Let that be your last battlefield.

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Last updated 21st May 2021

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