

ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2023

Entry 6th May 2023: Post 1: Thomas the Tank Engine - More friends.

Thomas the Tank Engine - More friends.

I find myself on occasions having to explain to folk just what
this site is for. The site was created in 2004 in support of my
Amiga Yahoo Group to advise of new acquisitions to the collection.
It really is as simple as that. In the day I was collecting so
much and the website was a great way of recording my activities.
Over the years the collecting has slowed up to a trickle basically
cus of lack of space and also lack of available items to acquire.
I still do collect but tend to be very selective these days.

Onward to today and I was very lucky to acquire another boxed game
in the Thomas the Tank Engine series. Whilst the name appears the
same as my earlier box this is definitely a newer release and also
contains a special extra game.

The game is aimed at children, but hey I never grew up so guess I
count. The puzzles are a memory challenge to see if you can guide
your trains safely along the tracks avoiding hazards. It is very
colourful and great fun. Time was when games were not dark and
dangerous but simple, fun and ever so slightly dangerous.

Anyhoo that was all for today. Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends.
Sadly not with real puffing smoke, though you can use your imagination.

It rained today.. otherwise a pretty uneventful day.

Previously on scuzzblog

Thomas the Tank Engine - More friends.

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Last updated 6th May 2023

Chandraise Kingdom

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