

ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2024

Entry 19th May 2024: Post 1: Amiga Control Pad - TecnoPlusSWIFT TP200.

Amiga Control Pad - TecnoPlusSWIFT TP200.

I have been a little preoccupied with home projects these last
couple of months what with builders working here on telephone,
gas and water services. Happens. Anyhoo, as I was moving stuff
about this box dropped into my lap and I have no recollection of
where it came from.

The box contained an Amiga Control Pad with Turbo Fire no less.
It was marketed for the Atari, Amiga and C64 so not sure what
year we are talking about. Looks pretty effective. I shall have
a go no doubt when I get the house straight .

That was short and SWIFT.

Thankfully the building operatives have left now so I'm clear to
start putting things back out. No breakages thankfully though a
rogue water valve did get thrown out of the loft hatch onto one
of my Amstrad monitor.

Going now.

Amiga Control Pad - TecnoPlusSWIFT TP200.

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Last updated 19th May 2024

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2024