Thankfully I already had these pictures.
ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2024
Entry 29th May 2024: Post 1: A1200 HD failure - Backing Up.
A1200 HD failure - Backing Up.
UPDATE: 03:34 30/05/2024: Its late
I decided not to Parnet the machine but instead have moved my
A1200 from in this room to one side and set the machine with the
suspect hard drive in its place. I have set up the Surf Squirrel
and am now creating LHA copies of the drive to transfer to the
ZIP drive and then on to the PC and the USB and ultimately the
Win7 machine and the emulator.
I am at Part 2 of what will be many parts:
In making the move I removed a Blizzard 1230IV from a spare A1200
in the disk room. This now provides an 030 accelerator with 8MB
of memory which helps a lot in creating the LHA files.
I have to say the Amiga Technologies computer is so quiet. Both
the floppy and hard drive are whisper quiet. I can hardly hear it
clicking to my side. The computer has booted fine with the dodgy
hard drive. Just keeping my fingers crossed the partitions hold
up to the file interrogation for the LHA file creation.
I will set up a new configuration on the emulator and then using
one of my other configs de-crunch the LHA files into the respective
folders. It should at that point simply boot into the system from
the dodgy disk, and then job done. That's the theory.
Fingers crossed.
[ The following is mostly for my own use ].
Spent the morning checking what was on the drive to the problem
drive I freezer fixed yesterday. I was mainly interested in core
drawer sizes so I could fit on a ZIP disk.
I was amazed to discover a full back up of the A2000 I backed up
last year together with the A1200 Tower Workbench. I already have
a back up of both so can take those off the list.
I am unlikely to back up the games folder which stands at 84MB.
Anyhoo.. better get to it. First job is to fit a good accelerator
card with plenty of RAM. I will back up as chunks of LHA files to
avoid the PC struggling with some file types, like LPT and AUX.
The accelerator and RAM helps speed up the LHA process as it is
able to handle more chunks of LHA files in one go.
WORK 252MB in use
3n21 Tools 6479242
A2000 331588
A3000 547891
A4000 1225418
Acumastore 3893346
Alynx 625309
AMFCPro 674899
Amiga-2000 **38360464
AmiTCP-4.3 1837986
AMOS_Pro 5260217
AMOS_stuff 2390980
AWeb3 4121958
Bridge 5049657
DevPac 700612
dice 3011655
dice2 1054657
DPAINT 2381239
DPaintV 2569266
Edr_Gate 6580
File_Management 1211185
Games 84309826
House of Sian 2608
HyperBook 710993
icons 3433122
idefix 918602
ImageEngineerv2.1 2516641
Loons Docs II 711525
MainActor 1544925
Miami 5886844
MUI 1366190
Musak 1763137
Paperwork 74648
PEGGER 844491
Picture Viewer 231148
Programming 1270435
pProtext-Program-Disk 1297324
retrieve 488947
SASC 9148399
Scala500 183182
SOFTWARE 16945332
transfers 13068553
Video 1856
VidiAmiga 781242
viewbmp 22706
Visage 133403
Wordworth 2124584
Workshop 565
YAM 6845423
YAM 2.4 6874768
FastWiew 23444
Workbench 78MB in use
AMI-PC 803907
aminold 176920
C 1690138
Classes 1140093
Datatypes 383156
Devs 229116
File_Manager 17249943
Fonts 876366
my_work 7731509
L 146384
Libs 1787747
Local 215525
olivia document 75209
Parnet 45970
PC2Am 238871
Prefs 398046
rexx 4628
s 32441
ssa 4696
Storage 684113
System 100106
Tools 1396189
Tower_Workbench **27649865
Utilities 268654
WBStartup 44633
A1200 HD failure - Backing Up.
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Last updated 29th May 2024
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