

ScuzzBlog: Diaries May 2024

Entry 31st May 2024: Post 1: I've become a Cyber Punk - Evidently

I've become a Cyber Punk - Evidently

I have completed the transfer of the files to the emulator of the
busted drive and all is working fine. During the process I've had
on loop a series of CyberPunk tracks, particularly this one by
Dawid Podsiadlo called Let You Down.

The track features a Netrunner called Sasha Yakovleva who works on
Maine's crew if you know Cyberpunk. Sadly she dies in the end trying
to download incriminating data about a failed drug. She manages to
upload the data to a news site before she is shot and blown out of
a window.

What I found amazing is that when entered a few basic prompts on
Tensor Art regarding her details and how she looked out popped a
very recognizable image.

I am currently working on a set of images called the Kings Chamber
which show a rather abstract concept only achievable in AI Art and
that is a brigade of chess pieces going on a quest to meet a forest
treant. Sadly the treant captures them so he can play chess all
day long. Bonkers notion but great pictures.

I guess I could always let Sasha go rescue them..

Here is the Cyberpunk video which I find very relaxing looped in the background along with 'I am Unstoppable'. Fires the imagination.

I have to say it's always a treat having my Amiga Workbench with an almost bottomless pit of goodies to go play with. So happy I recovered the data.

I've become a Cyber Punk - Evidently

Good to have things backed up.

The Kings Chamber

All images are of my creation and therefore technically belong to me.

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Last updated 31st May 2024

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
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