So what's in the box... This computer was
bought from a guy in Portsmouth who also sold
me his Sinclair QL. He was heavy into online
gaming and played Warhammer Online.
This one is locked away ... safely
These days computers came in kit form
This machine had an on off switch and
bracket to hold the RAM expansion
The keyboard is from a ZX81 and there is
the normal damage to the bottom left corner
where users had to hold the unit steady
while they typed. Always broken off on the 80
The top cover is literally bolted down
The ZX80 exhaust pipes [ joking ]
A massive 1 to 3 K of RAM
The guy stuck his hair behind the selotape
Not for the ZX80 - Spectrum cartridges
Kempston Interface
Interface 2 for the Spectrum
Couple of RAM expansions
They were all in the same box.