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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2017

Entry 3rd November 2017: Post: 5


Such an odd word the ' diskette '. Bit like the ' cassette ' which
suggests a lower order of disk or er 'cass'. Odd that after yet
another week of almost exclusively only using the 5.25" drive on
the 1541 I have grown so accustom to the floppy diskette that I
just don't notice any real inconvenience. In truth the only issue
is with the datassette [ small version of a datass ] given that I
have to wait for that to load.

I was trawling through my various 5.25" gems and thought it would
be useful listing them out as I very often struggle finding what
I have. The disk labels can be a little confusing, what with the
usual scribbles on load methods.

Anyway here is a list of my most used of diskettes. I do have numerous
others but as ever they are trapped in books, software boxes and
rather large plastic tubs. Covers most of the bases though. I have
even thrown in a couple of image'ettes of various disks.

I have been told that the 5.25" disks should be all broken and
unreadable. Odd that I never seem to get that problem. I must live
in a zone that is unaffected by such phenomena. 

1351 Mouse Utility Disk
1942 [ copy ]
4 x 4 Offroad Racer [ copy ]
5th Gear+7/Ikari [ copy ]
6 Program Games  Commodore 64 - Commodore
64'er Sponderheft Nr 57 - Markt&Technik
64'er Sponderheft Nr 60 - Markt&Technik
Advanced OCP Art Studio - Rainbird
Adventure Files [ copy ]
Apache Strike - Activision
Arctic Fox - Electronic Arts
Artist [ The ] Valueware - Frame It and Sprite Builder
Avalon I
Avalon II
Avalon III
Avalon IV
Avalon VIII
Avalon IX
BASIC 8 plus chip
Battle for Mormandy [ copy ]
Beach Head [ copy ]
BeeLine [ copy ]
Biathlon [ copy ]
Big KO [ the ] - Sharedata
Bobby Bearing [ copy ]
Boulderdash I [ copy ]
Boulderdash II [ copy ]
Boulderdash III [ copy ]
Buggy Boy [ copy ]
CADMaster [ copy ]
California Games [ copy ]
Captain Power - Box Office
CG Smith - PET Disk
Chips Challenge - Epyx
ChopLifter [ copy ]
Claw [ copy ]
Commodore 64 Assembly Language - Glentop
Commodore 128 Graphic Expander
Commodore 128 - The Very First
Commodore VIC-1541 Test/Demo
Commodore 1541 test/Demo
Commodore 1551/1541 Test/Demo Diskette
Commodore 1570 TEST/DEMO
Commodore 1571 TEST/DEMO
Commodore 1764 RAM Expansion Utility
Commodore 20131LP Test/Demo
Commodore model 1551 test/demo
commodore Spiele ZPM3v10 CP/M
Commodore Disk User - Vol 1 No 5
CP/M 128 System Disk Version 3.0
CP/M Archiver
CP/M Blue
CP/M Dbase
CP/M Fast
CP/M - Nu-118
CP/M Plus - Pascal
CP/M Wordstar
CP/M Zork
Death Sword - Epyx
Desktop [ KCS ]
Disk Revealed - Supersoft
Donkey Kong [ copy ]
Doodlebug [ copy ]
Dragon [ the ] copy
easy Calc - Commodore 64
Easy File - Commodore 64
EasyScript - Commodore 64
Easy Spell - Commodore 64
Easy Stock - Commodore 64
Easy Writer
Elven Warrior - Softgold
E-Motion - US Gold
Expense Manager
F-15 Strike Eagle [ copy ]
Falcon patrol [ copy ]
Fight Night [ copy ]
Filer [ The ] Laing Marketing
Fist II - Future Games 64
Flight Simulator II [ copy ]
Flying Sh.++/Flt
Frantic Freddie - AudioGenic
Free Spirit Software - News Maker 128
Free Spirit Software - Sketch Pad 128
Free Spirit Software - Spectrum 128
Future Finance - Commodore 64
Future Games 64 - Uchi Mata
Gamma Force - Infocom
Garbage [ copy ]
Gauntlet [ copy ]
Ghostbusters [ copy ]
GemPaint [ KCS ]
GemStart System Boot Disk
geoMakeBoot - Creative Micro Designs
GEOS Desktop 1.5  for the Commodore 64C
GEOS Disk 1 and 2
GEOS Fonts Disk I
GEOS Fonts Disk II
GEOS Fonts Disk III
Get off my Garden - Interceptor Micros
Ghost 'n' Goblins [ copy ]
Gianna Sisters [ copy ]
Grand Prix [ copy ]
Green Beret [ copy ]
GW BASIC Interpreter3.2
Hook - Ocean
Hopper [ copy ]
House on a Disk - Activision
Instant Recall - Supersoft
Javelin [ copy ]
Judge Dredd [ copy ]
Kaiser [ copy ]
Karate 2 [ copy ]
Karnov - 
Kings of the Beach - Electronic Arts
Kings of the Beach Disk 2 - Electronic Arts
Kings of the Beach Disk 3 - Electronic Arts
Kings of the Beach Disk 4 - Electronic Arts
Kings of the Beach Disk 5 - Electronic Arts
Lancelot - Datasoft
Last V8 [ the ] - Mastertronic
Little Computer People Project - Avtivision
Leader Board [ copy ]
Madness - Future Games 64
Magic Madness - Future Games 64
Mini Office II - Database Software
Maniac Mansion [ copy ]
Master Ninja - Paragon
Master Ninja Disk II - Paragon
Match Point [ copy ]
Max Mag
Mercenary [ copy ]
Meteors [ copy ]
Microsoft Multiplan
Mission Elevator - Future Games 64
Monopoly [ copy ]
MS DOS 2088-1060
MS-DOS Parrot Diskette
MS DOS 3.2 Systems Disk - Use with KCS in Drive A
Office Mate - Gemini Merketing
On Court Tennis - Gamestar
One on One - Electronic Arts
One on One Disk II - Electronic Arts
PC Tools [ KCS ]
Petspeed 64 - Systems Software
Petspeed 128 - Systems Software
Poster Painter
President Elect - Nelson Hernandez
Raid over Moscow [ copy ]
Rambo [ copy ]
Raw Recruit - Mastertronic
Rolling Demo
Risk - Leisure Genius
Robin [ copy ]
Santa Paravia - Keypunch
Scrabble [ copy ]
Skatecrazy - Mastertronic
Skyfox - Electronic Arts
Skyfox Disk II - Electronic Arts
Sky Shark - Taito
Sky Shark Disk II - Taito
Solo Flight - Future Games 64
Space Academy - Encore
Spaceman Sid [ copy ]
SpeedBoat Race - Future Games 64
Spiele [ copy ]
Sprite Aid 
Spy vs Spy I [ copy ]
Spy vs Spy II [ copy ]
Starball - Rainbow Arts
StarQuake [ copy ]
Starship [ copy ]
Stein Der Weisen - Kingsoft
Street Surfer
Strip Poker [ copy ]
Suicide Voyage - Future Games 64
Summer Games [ copy ]
Summer Challenge - Thunder Mountain
Summer Challenge Disk II - Thunder Mountain
Super G-Mann - Fuss Trainer 3
SX-64 - Test Demo
Tasword 64 - Tasman Software
Tetris - Mirrorsoft
Tiger Hell [ copy ]
Total Eclipse - Spotlight
Uridium [ copy ]
Very Big Cave Adventure [ copy ]
Victory Road - SNK Corp
Victory Road Disk II - SNK Corp
W A R - Future Games 64
Wheelin Wallie - Interceptor Micros
Wizball [ copy ]
Wolfenstein - 64'er Nr 61
World Cup Soccer - ShareData
Writer [ The ] - Spinnaker
Yie are Kung Fu [ copy ]
Zak me Kracker [ copy ]
Zaxxon [ copy ]
Zoids - Future Games 64 
Zork 1 - Commodore C64625

A magnetic diskette is 5.25 inches
square and about 1 millimeter thick

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Last updated 03/11/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith