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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2017

Entry 5th November 2017: Post: 2

To quote Elton John - Someone saved my life tonight

Well that of an Amiga 500Plus. I had thought I had removed all 
the batteries from A500+ machines here but little did I know
that one was still lurking in a machine I had. What was worse
is that inside the computer was also an A501 and that too had
a battery. And so having simply set out to take some pictures
to aid a forum poster, I finished up salvaging the Amiga and
saving the computer from a slow death from battery leakage.

A big thanks to Amiga Org cus in truth without the thread I
would have overlooked this computer.

I had no idea what was lurking below the shielding

Yikes.. That's a surprise

Hadn't expected that

What is worse is there is a battery
also in the A501 RAM expansion

Lets hope I can clean this mess up

First I need to remove the battery

Don't try this yourself but all I do
is very very gently rock the battery
back and forth till it snaps off

I have seen much much worse

OK Vinegar and Baking Soda
First to clean and second to neautralise

The picture I came to originally take

First pass at cleaning

Second pass at cleaning

Looks fine

Fingers crossed. Will leave over night

Dreadful little things

Need to give the whole board a clean

The A501 looks a lot worse

Revision 8A

Pass 3 on the cleaning and time to
leave the board and clean the rest tomorrow

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Last updated 05/11/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

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