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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2017

Entry 6th November 2017: Post: 2

Sad little 600

Whilst digging around trying to find another power brick for the
Plus I came across this old case for an A600 and reflected on why
I dumped the thing in the storage. Then I remembered that I used
all the good stuff to rebuild an A600 I bought off the Bay for £11.
Was a project from some ten years ago and this poor 600 has been
left to rot since that date.

Maybe time to rebuild the little 600. So let's see what we have

Looks a little worse for wear
And her front tooth is missing.. Poor thing

Obviously a few major items missing here

Ribbons and connectors all absent

No floppy drive

Connector to the LEDs missing

All the chips are in place

I do have a spare floppy I can use

Ribbon connector in place but
but no power connector to the floppy

Amazing holes in the motherboard

So many holes

Looks like a strange after thought

Ribbon is OK but I need that missing tooth

Its all coming back to me now. I think
the mouse port is busted... Need to check

OK future project. Time to close this down

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Last updated 06/11/2017

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