The SONY Handycam from 1989
Used every day for like over five years
Quite a heavy camera though generally on a
tripod so no real issue with weight
The amount of controls on the unit
was quite amazing. There was a mixer
for video titling built in
The camera had a fully functional
video player
Trust me when I say this camera could
even see in the dark
Zoom and wide angle plus even micro
were all possible at the touch of a button
And the viewer could pivot through
90 degrees allowing you to view from above
The smallest TV screen in the world
I purchased another but that is also broken
Batteries were so heavy.
They did tend to last a good while though
For general usage I just used the mains
Obsolete technology still looks elegant
And then there were the tapes for recording
Never really used them as I recorded direct
onto video or the Amiga
The most important connectors on the camera
BNC for the Panasonic. Basic composite
for the Vidi Amiga
And finally my trusty tri-pod which I still
use every single day.
Happy days