OK to A-500Plus computer number 3
So far we have two working with no issue
All fine thus far
Pretty typical RAM card - Most common
Not sure of the model
Shielding all in place
The battery has been removed previously
All looking pretty good so far
Nice clean machine
No nasty lime green blotches
A tell-tale issue is lime green
puke on the track up to JP9 and
to the feet of C12 and U12
Rev 8A Board.. again quite common
V2.04 which is as anticipated
Couple of scratches above Gary
Tracks look fine
Panasonic floppy is a pretty solid unit
Note the switcher to the RAM card
Time to lock this machine down. And
she is working with no issue
So three down and working .. Fingers crossed
We have power and floppy activity
I do check them on a monitor but
I am not showing the images here