Yellow maybe but definitely young at heart
I have so many A500s and they all look the same
In the early 2000s I would buy up cheap A500s
just to crack them open to see what was inside
I never ever got tired of collecting the A500
Simply the most rewarding machine to collect
There was so much love in the early 500s
in respect of the connectors, chips and ribbons
They truly were a work of art
Look at the ribbon connector to the keyboard
What would a 500 be without the RAM board
Memory Expansion Systems Limited
So much tidier without the battery
Think that's an afterthought, the
connector to the CIA
Revision 6A
Bit like SIMCITY
OSC was a different way round
on the earlier motherboards
Ok Time for the tour
Little red and green lights
She is working fine
And the red light on the CAPS button
Pictured in the dark
The computer has been on all week so I
knew she was fine. Just wanted a little
bit of attention
There you have it I have checked all the
500+ machines and just the one is broken
What is more, from the 26 plus computers I
checked of the 500 range only the one is
truly faulty [ broken ]
Not bad given the 25 to 30 year age of the kit
If I had to rely on one Amiga surviving another
thirty years my money would be on an A500... BUT
only if it never ever like had a battery.