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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2017

Entry 15th November 2017: Post: 3

The Office Geek

Whilst digging through a number of big plastic tubs trying and failing
to uncover the mystery A500Plus motherboard that has gone missing I
came across a relatively large batch of 5.25" disks that probably
date from late eighties and early nineties from the office. Time was
we appointed an individual in the office to answer all our problems
in respect of computers. In truth he was more than a geek, he kinda
was a god when it came to computers as none of us knew anything. It
was all a very very big mystery. The trick with the geek of the day
was to maintain that level of mystery and complexity by not really
sharing anything with anyone. Only when folk started to get machines
at home did the knowledge base grow and expand.

In time the geek kinda became redundant as most knew the general
aspects of computers and when it came to more complex stuff, we had
tech help from the guys providing ' the photocopy machine '. They
were wizards with computers. We also had a resident AutoCAD boffin
that handled all our CAD queries.

In the latter days of the office even the secretaries knew how to
manage and maintain their computers. The biggest problems by that
time was keeping folk off MS Messengering services as it tended to
play havoc with the network.

One of the other side issues of the computer was the constant updating
of kit and software. I was put in charge of overseeing the mechanics
of keeping the kit running. Consequently it was my job to safely
dispose of old kit and software. That generally meant storing here.

And so here are a random set of some of the items I discovered these
last few days. Nothing heavy and no real explanation in truth as to
what it all was for. Pretty self evident I would have thought.

Lotus 1-2-3

Lotus 1-2-3




Serif PagePlus

Serif PagePlus

Serif PagePlus

Mouse Pen

Mouse Pen

Coral Draw

C By Example

Mastering DOS 5


Lotus 1-2-3

Lotus 1-2-3

Lotus 1-2-3

Lotus 1-2-3





Serif PagePlus

Serif PagePlus

3M Disk Box

3M Disk Box

C By Example

C By Example

C By Example.. All 750 pages of it

Mastering DOS 5

Mastering DOS 5

Mastering DOS 5.. All 800 pages of it

MS DOS .. The running of

MS DOS .. The running of

I recall visiting a number of times the
upstairs computer section of Waterstones
and being totally overwhelmed by the volume
of very very thick books. The books were so
heavy they were not placed in shelves but
left stacked on the floor. That was quite a
mountain of books and seriously not one was
less than 2" thick.

The volume of written work for the computer
in those days was growing as fast as the
technology. How these guys found the time to
write 750 pages on the computer I will never know

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Last updated 15/11/2017

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