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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2017

Entry 17th November 2017: Post: 2

Under the hood with the Acorn A7000

Kinda ditto from last post ....

Ok its time to get under the hood with the Acorn A7000. This 
computer is generally on once, maybe twice a day depending on
what I'm mucking around with. I tend to have the 5000 and 7000
available and ready for action at the flick of a switch.

Acorn A7000 - Front fascia

Acorn A7000 - Rear

Acorn A7000 - Rear ports. That screw on
the right is only one of two that holds
the outer casing onto the machine

Acorn A7000 - Power. There is the second screw

Acorn A7000 - Standard keyboard and mouse

Acorn A7000 - Classic clean design

Acorn A7000 - Totally congested

Acorn A7000 - Impossible to see anything

Acorn A7000 - And there is the beast

Acorn A7000 - Same as with the 5000
insomuch that I need the battery and
have no skill or knowledge of how to
replace the little trouble-maker

Acorn A7000 - Flaking like the A5000
with tiny crystals

Acorn A7000 - No idea how to remove this lot

Acorn A7000 - Crystals forming off legs


Acorn A7000 - So difficult to see let
alone take a photograph

Acorn A7000 - The brown is a reflection
from above the board

Acorn A7000 - Wing and a prayer job sadly

Acorn A7000 - A good clean and hoping
the battery remains stable. Works fine

Acorn A7000 - Boots into the OS

Acorn A7000 - Keeps good time

Acorn A7000 - Coppies disks no problem
And the CD works a treat

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Last updated 17/11/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

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