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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2017

Entry 20th November 2017: Post: 6

Carnage for the Amiga 1992

So I was digging around under the desk trying to retrieve various
bits and pieces for the Apple and came across this lost box which
had fallen down behind the desk. So instead of getting excited
about the Apple I get sidelined playing on the Amiga .. as ever

Success in Carnage involves skillfully completing each if the sixteen 
tracks first - no matter how! The player who wins a race is awarded 
points toward the Rally Championship Title as well as prize money which 
can be used to upgrade the performance of the vehicle.

Program Design & Graphics - Phil Hindle
Graphics & Design - Steve Banks
Made in UK

1992 Zeppelin Games Limited Durham

Carnage - Zeppelin 1992

Carnage - Zeppelin 1992

Carnage - Zeppelin 1992

Carnage - Zeppelin 1992

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Last updated 20/11/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith