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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2017

Entry 22nd November 2017: Post: 4

Golem v RF 542C on the Amiga

I was about to test this Amiga 1200 so I thought what the heck I
would try the Golem out first just to see if the drive was working

Test day for this Amiga... I do this to spin
up the 2.5" to make sure Amigas fitted with
these drives keep them active. Otherwise the
drive will sieze up. Trust me.

And the drive appears to be working

As does the Amiga

Enter Amiga number two which has my own
5.25" drive mount list just in case

The Amiga fires up and recognises
the Golem on boot.

The SysInfo disk appears on the screen

OK enter the RF 542C 5.25" floppy

Which worked on the standard DF1
without a special mount file. The
inserted 5.25" disk reading as unreadable

The inserted 5.25" disk was then formatted

All worked without fault

I then copied from the internal floppy
to the external 5.25" drive

Enter the Golem which I daisy chained to
the back of the 5.25" drive. Worked fine.

Copied from the Golem to the RF 542C

5.25" light active and Golem tracklights active

Both working without fault. So its time
to lock this down and put the kit away

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Last updated 22/11/2017

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