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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2017

Entry 24th November 2017: Post: 1

The Amstrad ALT-386SX - Bag of Sugar
Cute bit of kit this and surprisingly worked straight out of the 
bag. A quite unusual laptop design which interestingly, for me,
offers the best keyboard arrangment of any I have used. Basically
because it treats the unit as a typewriter which is the way it
should be. So many laptops have a large space between the bottom
edge and the keys. Man do I hate that.

Incredibly well designed with sleek , smooth , clean lines. All
very well presented and appears in good condition. For some reason
the hard drive is not making any noise. Also the expanded memory
does not seem to be functioning. Added to that the battery is dead.

ALT-386SX from 1988 laptop computer using an Intel 80386SX

Amstrad ALT-386SX
1MB RAM - Expanded
FDD - Floppy 3.5HD 1.4MB
HDD - 40MB Not recognised
Video - VGA
Screen - Backlit 640x480
Keyboard - 85 key internal
Ports - 1 x DB-25 Parallel 2 x DE-9 Serial
Expansion - 16bit ISA
MS-DOS 3.30

So what is in this bag of 'Sugar'

An Amstrad Laptop no less

Works from the floppy with no hard drive
detected. Not really sure if one is fitted

OK Green across the screen. Bag it up

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Last updated 24/11/2017

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