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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2017

Entry 27th November 2017: Post: 3

Appletalk - The Apple ][ Part 5 - There's more

OK.. Not Amstrad disks then. Just found this box of obscure disks
and suprised to find some more Apple ][ stuff inside. Anyway I
think that's the last of it all. 

Apple IIe DOS 3.3 [ copy ]

Easy Writer - TASC - GPLE

Oribitron and Snack Attack

Says Micromodum II

Apple Presents .. Apple

The Apple always makes me think of
hippy multi coloured 60's .. so strange
Its the colours I guess

I have no idea what is on this
disk and it remains sealed

I'm all done for today.. Thanks for reading

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Last updated 27/11/2017

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