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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2017

Entry 30th November 2017: Post: 1

Amstrad Notepad NC100
I end the month of November with my review of the Anstrad Notepad.
The computer was one that Alan Sugar himself tested during the
development to make sure it worked as he had asked. He wanted a
computer that was simple to use. I guess he got that cus in truth
simple is how the unit feels. More Filofax than computer.

This was manufactured in 1992 using the Z80 running at 4 Mhz

A pretty uninspiring unit I have to say and not a favourite
NC-100 NC-100
I have another of these in a box but at the moment I just can't
seem to find the thing. I'll keep looking

I have three of these units.. One in a box

I even have the book

First there was red, green and blue
and now he adds the yellow.

Manages to add the ports to the tiny case

No tilt on the screen

Effective and clean set of keys
though a little on the flimsy side
Thinner plastic I sense than normal
Evident most in the space bar

Not a great fan of the yellow

The colours make it look a bit 'toyish'

Not even sure what all the notes
below the screen refer to

I guess in time it would make sense

Power supply was very useful as
batteries in these things burn
out quickly. Never remember batteries
ever being cheap to be honest

Retains quite a lot of functionality
for a small unit and I know that Mr Sugar
wrote some of the manual on the machine

Even has a memory slot

Good to see the power pin details

Has the lithium which I replaced

Just wish the screen was a bit bigger

And a little clearer

Sorry but does feel like an
oversized calculator

... or even desk diary

Simple and clear to use

So that was the Amstrad NC100 from 1992.
I seriously would never have ever bought
one. I have never treated portables or
laptops or these types of units seriously.
Mostly cus I can't deal with the screen

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Last updated 30/11/2017

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