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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2018

Entry 4th November 2018: Post 01: Shadows of Mordor

Shadows of Mordor

When searching for my hand scanners deep in the plastic tubs I was
a little surprised to find this Lord of the Rings game for the C64.
It is sealed within a Ricochet packet and called Shadows of Mordor.
This game is the second in the series for the Lord of the Rings
and was released in 1987.

The game is a text based adventure game and based on the work of
Tolkien author of the Lord of the Rings.

I do have a number of copies of the Lord of the Rings trilogy
including some very large boxed versions of the LotR game complete
with thick book The Fellowship of the Ring. It was a nice touch to
include the book in with the cassette game.

Interestingly the Commodore disk based game on 5.25" does not
include the book.

I played the Hobbit for a while but sadly as I am a keen Warcraft
player I do find text based games a little tedious and boring. In
the day I am sure I would have enjoyed them but we have moved on.

It really is thanks to this work by Tolkien that we have the
whole dungeons and dragons genre. He really did give birth to
the mystical adventuring idea where we form into a band of
heroes with our quest to defeat dragons and save the kingdom.

Amazing really that we still find the theme so addictive today.

I didn't have the heart to open the package so it stays safe
for another day. I do have the game in the trilogy pack but
only played The Hobbit. 

Shadows of Mordor

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Last updated 4th November 2018

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