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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2018

Entry 11th November 2018: Post 02: SNES - In a suitcase

SNES - In a suitcase

After my relatively uneventful session with the MAC I decided to
cheer myself up with a romp around with the Super Nintendo
Entertainment System. The unit comes in a special grey suitcase
which makes it easy to transport about the house.

The truly great thing about the Nintendo is the speed at which a
cartridge is loaded. Also you are guaranteed of a successful
game session as the machine and cartridge were designed with the
hardware in mind.

Starwing may not be the best game to demonstrate the qualities of
the console, but it aint bad. Good fun and certainly made me happy
for a while. Entertaining, easy to use and great colours. I played
this on my Toshiba large TV which predates the Nintendo but still
very capable of showing a good picture.

So here are some pictures of the SNES in its suitcase.

SNES - Super Nintendo

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Last updated 11th November 2018

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