ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2018Entry 17th November 2018: Post 02: Nintendo 64 and now the Expansion PAKNintendo 64 and now the Expansion PAK So my search for the Nintendo 64 Expansion PAK came to a conclusion today as I located the Nintendo 64 and discovered the PAK under the small panel on top of the unit. Not really sure how this little PAC improved the console. I know I am going to insult a few Nintendo lovers but sorry... how on earth did you ever use this thing? Seriously, the controler has to be the worst I have ever encountered. With both directional controllers tending to be a left hand process it is kinda bonkers having the targeting stick centre just out of reach of any fingers and thumbs. I just have never been able to play on the N64. Also the inversion issues of targeting in games annoys me to death. I guess you could probably change it but the brain kinda always wants to do it one way and the stick the other. And when you invert the sideways access then gets mucked up. Doesn't work sadly. The PS3 controller is the only controller worth having on any console or computer. It should have become the industry standard. I mean the first XBOX controller required you to spend a month in the gym to get those wrist and arm muscles strong enough to lift the thing. Anyhoo... I am happy to report that the N64 detected the Expansion PAK when I fired up quake though it did absolutely nothing to use its functionality. I have been looking all day for my Perfect Dark cartridge, but it's lost. I AM NOT LOOKING.. M'kay. Comment: I have never been a cartridge fan. It has always been a big turn off for me. I appreciate they are fast on loading but they just fail to appeal. I also have never been a big fan of Mario, Rayman, SONIC etc It just never clicked with me. A friend of mine had a Mega Drive and we were playing something like Faery Tale if I recall and when we needed to save we were just given this massive code to write down.... That's not a save. That was a pain. Here we go then. The very wonderful yet difficult to use, for me, the Nintendo 64. Quite popular selling 33 million units. The N64 Expansion PAK is the rare item. Quite difficult getting hold of which is why I was trying to find it. Nintendo 64 and now the Expansion PAK
N64 Expansion PAK
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Last updated 17th November 2018
Chandraise Kingdom
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scuzzscink 2018