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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2019

Entry 9th November 2019: Post 01: Sirius 1 - DR CP/M-86.

Sirius 1 - DR CP/M-86.
CP/M-86 is a version of CP/M created by Digital Research. It was
specifically made for the Intel 8086 and 8088. The OS benefited
from a multi-user multitasking OS which was fully compatible with
CP/M-86 called MP/M-86. This later evolved into the latter CP/M-86
operating system.

MP/M originally designed by Tom Rolander of Digital Research in
1979 was a Multi-Programming Monitor Control System which allowed
multiple users to connect to a single computer. The MP/M-86 version
was the ported version for the Intel 8086 and was released in
September 1981.

The Sirius S1 or Victor 9000 was the brainchild of Chuck Peddle
who you may recall was responsible for the Commodore PET. In addition
to supporting CP/M-86 it also could run MS-DOS, BASIC 86, C-BASIC,
Cobol, Pascal and Fortran to name a few. The unit is slightly bigger
than the CBM Model 8050 double floppy drive. Whilst I never used
the computer myself the practice did have a unit and at least let
me have the user manual and disks. What happened to the computer
I know not.

Anyhoo.. I wanted to show some of the command structure of the
CP/M-86 system along with some of the various disks. I guess I
would have loved to get my hands on one of these if only to support
my interest in the CP/M operating system.

Sirius -1:

Victor 9000/Sirius 1 was made by Sirius Computer in the USA 1982
It has an Intel 8088 processor with 128kb base memory.
The disk drives are twin 5.25" at 612kb each. The computer
could have a HD fitted, though at $4500 that was expensive.

Sirius 1 - DR CP/M-86.

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Last updated 9th November 2019

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