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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2019

Entry 18th November 2019: Post 01: Amstrad 1512 - Battery Change.

Amstrad 1512 - Battery Change.
Switched on the Amstrad PC1512HD20 and was alerted to a battery
issue. This is a very easy challenge on the Amstrad as the small
battery compartment sits directly under the monitor. I decided to
drag the poor thing onto the bench and take some pics. She normally
sits next to an A2000 and a touch tricky to extract.

I have two 1512s. This one has the HD20 20MB hard drive and the 
single floppy drive. The monitor is the monochrome version. My
other is the twin floppy, no hard drive and colour monitor.

I did use this type of computer for a good while at my practice
as it was used for accounts and salaries. For me the computer is
a very easy and effective bit of kit and was always reliable.

I do like the batteries being easy to access, though they last
quite a bit less time than the coin type. Better though than the
barrel as there is little issue with damaging the motherboard.

Note that without the monitor you are going to struggle powering
the computer up as it takes its supply from the monitor. It is the
same with so many Amstrads.

Amstrad PC 1512 HD20 plus PC-MM mono monitor.
Manufactured in the UK in 1086.
Uses the Intel 8086 processor running at 8MHz.
RAM is 512KB  ( up to 640 KB ) with 16 KB ROM.
The unit has one 5.25" disk drive.
The OS is DOS Plus Version 1.2 by Digital Research.
GEM Desktop 2.0 March 24th 1986 Digital Research.

GEM by Lee Jay Lorenzen, Greg Morris and Lowel Websster.


Amstrad 1512 - Battery Change.

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Last updated 18th November 2019

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