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ScuzzBlog: Diaries November 2019

Entry 19th November 2019: Post 02: Sinclair - S-12MM monitor.

Sinclair - S-12MM monitor.

Lurking behind the Amstrad 1512 featured above, I found my Sinclair
S-12 MM ina quite disgusting state. Very much in need of a clean.
This monitor came with the PC 200 which I have never even switched
on at any time. That computer is in deep deep store. I guess I 
will dig it out one day. Who knows.


Sinclair - S-12MM monitor.



PC200 PC200 PC200 PC200

PC200 PC200 PC200 PC200

PC200 PC200 PC200 PC200

PC200 PC200 PC200 PC200


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Last updated 19th November 2019

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2019